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    The strategic role of boards of directors for companies: the training pathway

    ‘Governance in the dimensional transition: strategies, skills and tools’.
    This is the focus of the second edition of the course dedicated to Corporate Governance of the Business Academy of Cim&Form, the training company of Confindustria Verona. The initiative, organised in collaboration with Wepartner, is aimed at managers, entrepreneurs and business owners with the objective of perfecting the skills required to best perform the role of Director within Boards of Directors.
    A programme in which, thanks to the intervention of high-profile experts including our Partner Andrea Tolusso and our Director Barbara Giurlanda, participants will delve into topics ranging from the design of governance systems to support growth, to the importance of diversity and competence within Boards of Directors.

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    Italian Family Businesses are ready for international competition

    Recently, our Founding Partner and Vice-President Guido Corbetta spoke in the pages of Corriere della Sera to highlight the developments in the performance of Italian family businesses. An extremely positive growth process, achieved also thanks to an increased focus on planning that has made companies more financially solid and able to meet market challenges.

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    Everything in the family? The company grows less

    Recently, our Founding Partner and Vice President Guido Corbetta intervened with a signature article in Corriere della Sera to comment on current governance systems within Italian family businesses, analyzing the correlation between company growth and greater professionalization and openness of boards.

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    Dimensional Passage Challenge

    Recently, our partner Andrea Tolusso spoke on Advisor with a signature article in which he took an in-depth look at the topic of size transitions, focusing on the main characteristics that good governance must have in order to support business growth and development.

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    Dear SMEs, we sew the consultancy to you

    EconomyMagazine reports on Wepartner, starting with what are our hallmarks, and then delving into important topics such as the involvement of younger professionals and our specialization in the areas of Family Business, Financial Advisory, and Professional Advisory.