Founding Partner
Pietro Mazzola
Pietro Mazzola carries out activities of professional consulting in the areas of valuation of businesses, estimation of economic damage, IAS-IFRS accounting standards, management consulting. He gained vast experience as a technical consultant in civil and criminal proceedings.
Full professor of Business Administration at IULM University, adjunct professor at Bocconi University, he lectured at SDA Bocconi and University of British Columbia, as well.
He is co-author of the “listing guide” on the industrial plan of the Italian Stock Exchange.
Chartered Accountant and Auditor and he was non-executive director, statutory auditor or member of the Supervisory Boards of several companies.
The European STEP Project Best Paper Award on Entrepreneurship and Family Businesses, 2010: “Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance in Family Firms: The Moderating Effect of Family Management”.
The Family Business Review Award for the Best Article published in Family Business Review, 2008: “Family involvement in ownership and management: exploring non-linear effects on performance”.